Die Schweizer Sopranistin Nora Bertogg war am Luzerner Theater in der Produktion STYX Tours, eine Koproduktion mit Lucerne Festival, als Sopranistin zu hören. In der Saison 21/22 sang sie ausserdem in der Schweizer Erstaufführung von Pascal Dusapins Oper Perelà den Papagei und war in dem Musiktheater Klangtauchen engagiert. Am Theater Biel/Solothurn sang Nora Bertogg u.a. La Ciesca in Gianni Schicci, das Liftgirl in La notte di un nevrastenico von Nino Rota sowie Miss Pinkerton in Menottis The old maid and the thief. Des Weiteren war sie am Davos Festival 2016 in der Oper Die Schweizerfamilie zu hören.
Ein besonderes Interesse der Sängerin gilt der Interpretation von zeitgenössischen, performativen Werken. Es entstand mitunter der Solo Voice Abend YESS I SAID I SAID YESS mit szenischen Interpretationen, u.a. von Benjamin Scheuer, Tona Scherchen-Hsiao, Iris ter Schiphorst, Georges Aperghis und Elliott Sharp. Beim Concours Nicati Schweizer Wettbewerb für zeitgenössische Musik gewann Nora Bertogg 2023 den 3. Preis. Ausserdem ist sie Preisträgerin des 7. John Cage Awards Halberstadt.
Swiss soprano Nora Bertogg was heard as soprano soloist in the production STYX Tours at Lucerne Theater, a co-production with Lucerne Festival. In season 21/22 she was also engaged as Parrot in the Swiss premiere of Pascal Dusapins opera Perelà as well as in the musical theater Klangtauchen. At Theater Biel Solothurn, Nora Bertogg sang La Ciesca in Gianni Schicci, Liftgirl in La notte di un nevrastenico as well as Miss Pinkerton in Menottis The Old Maid and the Thief. Furthermore she was heard at the Davos Festival for young artists 2016 in the opera The Swiss Family.
A special interest of the singer lies in the interpretation of contemporary and performative music. This has resulted in the solo voice program YESS I SAID I SAID YESS with scenic interpretations of works by Benjamin Scheuer, Tona Scherchen-Hsiao, Iris ter Schiphorst, Georges Aperghis and Elliott Sharp among others. At Concours Nicati 2023, Swiss competition for contemporary music, Nora Bertogg received the 3rd prize in the solo interpretation category. She is also a prizewinner of the 7th John Cage Award Halberstadt.